Sun rays streaming through the window hitting on my face directly, makes me wake up from my sleep. I groaned in annoyance and I want to sleep more. I gazed at the figure laying next to me, his arm still wrapped around my waist.

I turned to his side, smiled at him tucking the few stands of hair which hiding his pretty face. I love him,only him and my love for him has no ends.

It's been six month since we both got married. When we got married it's was a loveless marriage. He was forced to marry me, he don't love me, I was just his childhood best friend but for me he is my everything.I still remember the days I secretly glancing at him.

My thoughts got vanished when I suddenly remember his birthday. It's today, sep 1 I already planned what I wanted to give him as a birthday present. It's going to be a surprise or maybe shock for him but I knew it'll make him more happy.

I slowly removed his arm from my waist and stood up, getting my towel and dress I went inside the bathroom. I did my morning routine and came out, I can see he is still sleeping. I don't want to wake him up, I slowly went near the bed and leaning beside him gives a small peck on his forehead "Happy birthday Jungkook" I wished him.

I came downstairs and went inside the kitchen and started preparing his breakfast. I collected all the ingredients on the kitchen cabinet and started making his breakfast.

After 30 Minutes, I finished making his breakfast, I can hear his footsteps coming down. I looked at him, his dark brown orbs met mine, he smiles at me. I can see he is talking someone in his phone about business project.

Once he reached down, I walked towards him. He disconnects the call and I stood before him, started adjusting his tie. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him, our chest collided.

Suddenly he connects our lips, his tongue slips inside my mouth, gentle, smooth, passionate but demanding, and it's nothing like I've ever experienced, he always did this.

He disconnects our kiss, we both started breathing heavily, his forehead met mine, "I thought you would wake me up Mrs. Jeon"he asks while kissing my jaw line.

"I am sorry Jungkook, you were sleeping heavily so I don't want to wake up" he nodded his head and trailing his lips on my neck.

He started sucking my sweet spot, a moan escape from my mouth. His hand trails inside my shirt,I slowly pushed him from me knowing what he wants.He groaned like a kid in annoyance.

"Jungkook Happy birthday" I wished him cupping his face with my hands and gives a small peck on his lips.

He smiled at me, "Thank you babe" he says and again started kissing my lips, I smiled between the kisses.

"Y/n I can't get enough of you" he says while traveling his lips down to my neck and his hand again went inside my shirt started trailing my skin.

"Jungkook stop, we did that last night right" I says while slowly pushing him from me. " So what, it's your fault that you are keep on tempting me" he voice out while smirking at me.

"Jungkook, I prepared your breakfast come and eat" I stats while dragging him towards the dinning table and make him sit on the chair.

"But I want you as my breakfast" he says I internally slapped at myself. Suddenly his phone started ringing, he answered the call. I can feel some tension lingering over his face.

"Ok, I'll be there" he says disconnects the call. "Jungkook what happened?" I asks looking at him. "Nothing just a office things" he says smiling at me I nodded my head knowing he don't want to tell me about that.

He quickly eats his breakfast and started leaving for his office, "I'll be back soon" he says while giving a small peck on my lips. I nodded my head and he left.

This is your last birthday with me Jungkook. I knew you never love me as much as you love her.

"You are NEVER MINE "

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