Y/n driving her car very fastly, her mind drifted into her past. Tears trailing down from her eyes.

"Y/n, you are nothing but a curse. Why don't you just kill yourself and it would be better if I didn't gave birth to you"

"You are a huge stigma for us, Just kill yourself or kill us"

"Let it out. go ahead. You don't deserve what happening to you"

"Come with me, you don't have anyone now but me and I'll never leave you and never hurt you" lies lies lies everything was lies. Liar, you are such a liar Jungkook.

"Wow, you still thinking that you can make me leave, I am a monster you know"

"And You still think that, he will love you, No, Never.....if you don't believe me see this"

"Congratulations Ms. Kim, you are three weeks pregnant"

"Jungkook let's get married"

"I love someone else" she keep on hitting the steering wheel thinking whatever happened with her.

Tears brimming into her eyes, "why I am even alive. I should have died on that day but he saved me why? Why did you save me Jungkook?" thinking her tears flowing down to her cheeks.

She driving the car very fastly that she didn't even notice a heavy truck coming through her side and within a blink of an eye it crashed her car. Blood oozing out from her and her eyes started closing.

"Oh, my love I never forget you

You are still in my heart

Yeah, you heard right,my heart

Even though I don't have any space

In your heart

You always stay in my heart

But now I want rest,

for rest of my life"


What is the difference between giving up and letting go. Did I give up on her? Or did I let her go? Letting go is a liberation and giving up is self defeat. Giving up reduces your life and letting go will expand your life. Giving up is imprisoning which I feeling right now. It felt like my whole world turns upside down. My tears keeps on flowing from my eyes, my heartaches and I can't take this. please its hurts a lot.

suddenly I heard my phone started ringing, taking the phone from the night stand I looked at the caller who called me. It's Jimin hyung, without wasting a time I picked his call.

"Hello hyung"

"Jungkook where are you? Please Come to Seoul National hospital ASAP"

"Why what happened hyung?"

"Jungkook first come here, I'll tell you later"

"Hyung, first tell me what happened?"

"Jungkook Y/n.."

Hearing her name my eyes went widened and my mind stopped working.

"Hyung what happened to her?" Jimin is silent, not a single thing I heard from his side, my heartbeats fast.

"Hyung, please say something What happened to her"

"Jungkook Y/n met an accident"

Accident, Y/n met an accident. How? Is she fine now? It's all my fault. Tears trailing down from my eyes and I pulled my hair out of frustration.

"Hyung I am coming now" taking a car, I started driving my car fastly and within half an hour i reached seoul National hospital.

Parking my car at the parking lot, I walked inside. Suddenly I felt some nervousness into me, I can't lose you, I can't lose you, I can't live without you, my mind keep on yelling.

I asked Jimin hyung, he said he is standing outside of the operation theatre.

Fear engulfed me I placed my hand over my chest, ahh it's beating so fast.

I walked towards the Operation theatre and saw Jimin Hyung standing outside.

I walked towards him and hugged him tightly, "Hyung" tears rolling down from my eyes and I can feel Jimin's sobbing.

"Hyung, how this happened?"

" I don't know Jungkook, I got a call from this hospital and they said she met accident and the last no she dialed was mine"

"She called me this morning but I was in a meeting so I didn't picked her call" Its all my fault, everything happening because of me.

Suddenly I heard the operation theatre room opened and I can see the Doctors are coming out. I went near them, " Doctor how is she?"

"Who are you to her?"

" I am her boyfriend Jeon Jungkook. Please tell me doctor is she fine now?"

"We are sorry Mr. Jeon"

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